Boorna Waanginy | The Trees Speak
Boorna Waanginy dramatizes the six seasons of Western Australia, the incredible richness and interdependency of the flora and fauna of South West Australia, and the crisis which this ecosystem now faces. It chronicle’s Western Science’s growing understanding of the wisdom and depth of indigenous Noongar knowledge systems and how this understanding can be drawn on by all of us as we grapple with the crisis that we now face – to live sustainably on the land we are a part of - in one of the worlds richest but fragile ecosystems.
Director Nigel Jamieson
Artistic Associate & Designer Zoe Atkinson
Artistic Associate & Media Artist Sohan Ariel Hayes
Artistic Associate & Cultural Advisor Dr Richard Walley
Sound Designer Kingsley Reeve
Composer Ash Gibson Greig
Lighting Designer Mark Howett
Lighting Associate Designer Sean McKernan
Writer (Six Seasons) Kim Scott
Paintings Appearing in Six Seasons Shane Pickett
Ecologist Consultant Mandy Bamford
Project Contributors Prof Stephen Hopper & Dr Noel Nannup
Created with guidance from Noongar community Elders, Whadjuk Working Party members and the South West Aboriginal Land and Sea Council.
Digital Animation (Six Seasons) Siamese
Boorna Waanginy event page.
Perth Festival Boorna Waanginy 2019